Latino Victory Fund Endorses Nevada State and City Council Candidates

Washington, D.C.—Latino Victory Fund, the most influential national organization working to strengthen Latino representation and help mobilize Latino voters ahead of the presidential election, announced today the endorsement of five state and local candidates in the battleground state of Nevada. 

The candidates are Shelly Crawford, Nevada State Senate District 1; Sandra Jauregui, Nevada State Assembly District 41; Cinthia Moore, Nevada State Assembly District 11; Selena Torres, Nevada State Assembly District 3; and Tara Webster, Reno City Council Ward 5. 

Statement from Latino Victory Fund President & CEO Sindy M. Benavides on Shelly Crawford, candidate for Nevada State Senate District 1: 

“Latino Victory is proud to support Shelly Crawford for Nevada State Senate. Shelly is a lifelong educator who has dedicated her life to empowering her community and improving access to education. As a first-generation high school and college graduate, she understands the importance of strengthening Nevada’s education system so that future generations have access to opportunity and economic prosperity. Nevada needs more leaders like Shelly who will advocate for her community and advance issues that will improve their lives, including health care, education and access to affordable housing.” 

Statement from Latino Victory Fund President & CEO Sindy M. Benavides on Sandra Jauregui, candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 41: 

“Assembly member Jauregui is a powerful advocate for working families who has shown a passion for serving her community. She’s a fierce supporter of issues that will create a more prosperous and safe Nevada, and will continue advocating for pro-conservation policies, gun violence prevention and access to affordable housing. Latino Victory is proud to stand with Sandra Jauregui for re-election to ensure she continues her steadfast work on behalf of her community in Nevada.” 

Statement from Latino Victory Fund President & CEO Sindy M. Benavides on Cinthia Moore, Nevada State Assembly District 11: 

“Environmental protections and climate change policies are critical for the well-being, economy and health of all Nevadans, and Cinthia has been at the forefront of these protections for nearly twenty years. She’s advocated for clean air, clean energy and water conservation, which is critical now more than ever. Nevadans need a leader like Cinthia to continue advocating for her community in the State Assembly and continue the fight for affordable housing and support for small businesses to ensure Nevadans have access to economic opportunity. Latino Victory Fund is proud to endorse Cinthia Moore for Nevada State Assembly.” 

Statement from Latino Victory Fund President & CEO Sindy M. Benavides on Selena Torres, Nevada State Assembly District 3: 

“We’re proud to endorse Selena Torres for re-election because she’s committed to a more prosperous Nevada, where opportunity is available to all. As an educator and proud union member, she’s a staunch proponent of working families and equal opportunity. Selena will continue working to pass policies that will improve the lives of all Nevadans, including educational equity, economic opportunity and language access.”

Statement from Latino Victory Fund President & CEO Sindy M. Benavides on Tara Webster, Reno City Council Ward 5: 

“It’s critical to increase Latino representation in city councils to ensure Latinos have a voice in the policies implemented by these key governments. Tara is a powerful community champion who has been working in the trenches—with nonprofits and community members–to address issues that impact Reno’s most underserved communities. She will be a powerful voice for Latinos and all Reno residents in the City Council. Latino Victory Fund is thrilled to support Tara’s candidacy for this crucial race.” 


The Latino Victory Fund is a progressive political action committee with the mission of growing Latino political power by increasing Latino representation at every level of government—from the county board to the Senate to the White House.

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