Latino Victory Fund Congratulates Arizona Candidates on Advancing to the High-Stakes General Election 

Washington, D.C.—Latino Victory Fund, the most influential national organization working to strengthen Latino representation and help mobilize Latino voters ahead of the presidential election, congratulated its Arizona candidates after winning their respective primaries. The candidates are Ruben Gallego, U.S. Senate; Analise Ortiz, Arizona State Senate, District 24; Oscar De Los Santos, Arizona House of Representatives, District 11; Jennifer Allen, Pima County Board of Supervisors, District 3; and Adelita Grijalva, Pima County Board of Supervisors, District 5. 

Statement from Sindy M. Benavides, Latino Victory Fund President & CEO, on Ruben Gallego, U.S. Senate. 

“Congressman Gallego is a steadfast public servant who has worked tirelessly for Arizonans. He has supported policies that strengthen our communities and his priorities as a U.S. Senator will focus on issues that matter to Latinos, including economic opportunity, expanding access to affordable healthcare and protecting reproductive rights–– issues that will energize voters and secure a win for our communities. Congressman Gallego is also a grounded and no-nonsense public servant. He served our country with honor in Operation Desert Storm and has dedicated his civilian career to continuing to serve his community. Latino Victory Fund is proud to stand with Ruben Gallego in this historic race that will empower Arizona’s voice in the Senate and break a barrier in Arizona’s political landscape.” 

Statement from Sindy M. Benavides, Latino Victory Fund President & CEO, on Analise Ortiz, Arizona State Senate, District 24: 

“Analise Ortiz is a stalwart defender of reproductive freedom and civil rights, which is why it’s crucial to ensure she continues her service in the Arizona State Senate. Representative Ortiz understands the priorities that matter to her community and will continue advocating for an improved education system, access to affordable housing, and policies to address homelessness. She’s a powerhouse Latina who understands the values and issues that matter to our community and all Arizonans, and she will help protect democracy at this important juncture in our nation’s history. Latino Victory Fund is proud to congratulate Analise on advancing to the general election, and we will work tirelessly to ensure she is elected to the state Senate in November.” 

Statement from Sindy M. Benavides, Latino Victory Fund President & CEO, on Oscar De Los Santos, Arizona House of Representatives, District 11: 

“Representative De los Santos is a dedicated public servant who is a fierce advocate for workers’ rights, economic justice and reproductive freedom. He’s also committed to advocating for a clean environment and climate change action––issues that disproportionately impact the Latino community’s well-being and livelihood. He is the son of Mexican immigrant parents who went on to become the second-highest ranking member of the Arizona House of Representatives, and an inspiring leader who wants the same opportunity for future generations. Latino Victory Fund congratulates Representative De Los Santos on advancing to the general election. We will work to ensure he continues his public service work to empower and strengthen his district.” 

Statement from Sindy M. Benavides, Latino Victory Fund President & CEO, on Jennifer Allen, Pima County Board of Supervisors, District 3: 

“Jennifer Allen has been a staunch ally and advocate for Arizona’s working people. She has fought for two key issues that impact Latinos—environmental protections and immigrant rights. She is an experienced leader, organizer, and advocate – and she is ready to continue putting forth innovative and bold solutions to transform the lives of Pima County residents. At a time when Latinos are facing the harsh effects of climate change, we need more leaders like Jen, whose expertise will help usher policies to combat climate change, protect water resources, and land. She understands that working people and communities are the backbone of Pima County. Latino Victory Fund congratulates Jennifer on advancing to the general election.” 

Statement from Sindy M. Benavides, Latino Victory Fund President & CEO, on Adelita Grijalva, Pima County Board of Supervisors, District 5: 

“Latino Victory Fund congratulates Adelita Grijalva on advancing to the general election. She’s a stellar community advocate and leader, with a proven record of public service. She is dedicated to strengthening Pima County’s public education system, expanding healthcare access, and fighting for environmental protections––all issues that heavily impact the Latino community. Adelita’s role in local office is crucial in ensuring Latinos in Pima County have equal representation and a voice to advocate for their issues. It cannot be stressed enough that local office is one of the most important roles for elected representation, and we’re proud to see qualified, dedicated leaders like Adelita continue running – and winning – in these key positions.” 


The Latino Victory Fund is a progressive political action committee with the mission of growing Latino political power by increasing Latino representation at every level of government—from the county board to the Senate to the White House.

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