Latino Victory Fund on United States Supreme Court Adding Citizenship Question In 2020 Census

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Latino Victory Fund Interim President Melissa Mark-Viveritto issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s conservative justices supporting adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census:

“Adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census is part of the Republican Party’s concerted efforts to disenfranchise Latinos and communities of color. Republicans are terrified of the electoral power wielded by the diverse and progressive new American majority. They know that when our communities vote, Democrats win, and their only recourse is to rig the system. Billions of dollars in federal funding for our local communities are on the line, fair maps so that we have accurate representation in our government are on the line, and our voices are on the line.

Mark-Viverito added, “Latino Victory Fund will continue fighting against these racist Republican attacks against our community, and we will not be deterred from electing Latino candidates to build political power at every level of government.”