Latino Victory Fund Statement Congratulates Endorsed Candidates in Virginia on Advancing to the General Election

The organization endorsed its largest-ever slate of candidates in Virginia.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Tonight, Latino Victory Fund Interim President Melissa Mark-Viverito issued the following statement congratulating Virginia Delegates Elizabeth Guzman, Hala Ayala and Alfonso Lopez, and first time candidate Phil Hernandez on advancing to the general election:

“Latino Victory Fund could not be prouder of our tremendous slate of candidates who are advancing to the general election. Our champions Elizabeth Guzman, Hala Ayala and Alfonso Lopez are a step closer to being re-elected, and Phil Hernandez is about to flip a critical district red to blue — which could hand Virginia Democrats control of the lower chamber. Virginians sent a profound message that they want diverse representation in their local governments. They know that these leaders will fight for them in the Virginia House of Delegates.”

Mark-Viverito added, “Make no mistake: these candidates are in a strong position, and they will win their elections in November.”

With a total of five endorsed-candidates in this primary, this was the largest slate of candidates Latino Victory Fund had ever endorsed in a primary election in Virginia. The candidates who won tonight as followed:

  • RE-ENDORSED:  Elizabeth Guzman House of Delegates, District 31

  • RE-ENDORSED: Alfonso Lopez for House of Delegates, District 49

  • RE-ENDORSED: Hala Ayala for House of Delegates, District 51

  • ENDORSED:  Phil Hernandez for House of Delegates, District 100