Latino Victory Project’s Statement Ahead of International Women’s Day

Washington, D.C.—Latino Victory Project President & CEO Katharine Pichardo issued the following statement ahead of International Women’s Day celebrated on March 08: 

“Women have been the backbone of our communities since time immemorial – too often without our rightful power and with no credit. We are not mere contributors to society—we are leaders and agents of change. This is why now more than ever, it’s imperative to keep the fire in the gender equality movement ablaze. This International Women’s Day, as we uplift women’s achievements in the United States and around the world, we must also acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. While it’s important to celebrate and take pride in our wins, we must also recognize that women’s rights are under threat and vow not to give one inch to those who seek to rip our hard-fought rights from our hands. As an all-Latina organization, Latino Victory is committed to advocating for women’s rights and supporting candidates who defend gender equality and reproductive freedom at all levels of government. We cannot fail the future generations. The time is now.”