Voto Latino, UnidosUS Action Fund, Mi Familia Vota, LatinoVictory Project, and America’s Voice to Hold Virtual PressBriefing on Trump’s Hateful Plan “Operation Aurora” to Target Immigrant and Latino Communities

To carry out mass deportations Trump promised to employ a 226-year-old law that was previously used to detain “enemy aliens” in times of war.

Washington, D.C — On October 17, Voto Latino will be joining UnidosUS Action Fund, Mi Familia Vota, America’s Vote, and Latino Victory Project to hold a virtual press briefing to mobilize against former President Donald Trump’s extremist agenda that directly impacts our communities. As a coalition, we recognize that the only way to stop Trump’s hateful and anti immigrant machinery is at the ballot box. We are doubling down in our efforts to mobilize our communities to vote and raise their voices. 

Former President Trump has promised to utilize the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to carry out mass deportations. If Trump gets elected, the use of this old law in executing his extreme Project 2025, could result in the unfair detention of lawful immigrants and American citizens.

WHO: María Teresa Kumar, Co-Founder & President of Voto Latino

Janet Murguia, President of UniodosUS Action Fund

Héctor Sánchez Barba, President and CEO of Mi Familia Vota 

Sindy Benavides, President and CEO of Latino Victory Project

Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director of America’s Voice

WHAT: A virtual press briefing on: 

  • What is at stake for our communities
  • The importance of mobilizing ahead of the 2024 Election

WHERE: To join please use this Zoom LINK

WHEN: Thursday October 17, 2024 at 11:00 am ET


Latino Candidates and Campaign Training Virtual Bootcamp Series

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