Latino Victory Fund Statement on 2-year Mark of Dobbs Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade

Washington, D.C.—Today marks two years since the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, erasing a 50-year precedent of federal protection for abortion. Latino Victory Fund President & CEO Sindy M. Benavides issued the following statement: 

“Today is a somber reminder of how fragile our rights are, especially under a MAGA-majority Supreme Court and a Republican party that’s bent on eliminating reproductive freedom and diminishing women’s autonomy. The Dobbs ruling left abortion rights in the hands of the states, and what followed were even more dangerous attacks against reproductive health care, with abortion bans in 21 states. Latinas are among the most affected, with millions living in abortion ban states and many lacking the resources to access reproductive health care in other states. Republicans do not trust women to make their own choices and come November, women must let them know we do not trust Republicans by voting them out. Our health, our livelihood, and our own lives are at stake. Latino Victory will continue working with partners and allies in the abortion rights space to ensure we elect candidates who support abortion rights and reproductive freedom.” 


The Latino Victory Fund is a progressive political action committee with the mission of growing Latino political power by increasing Latino representation at every level of government – from the school board to the Senate to the White House.

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